Scheme +
This is a model scheme whereby the Department tries to create a sample modern office on a pilot basis by providing the seed money to beneficiary Ministries/Department/Offices located in the city of Delhi for giving an impetus/catalytic effect to the overall process of Administrative Reforms. This scheme is in operation since the year 1987-88 and till 31.03.2016 the Department has released funds to the extent of Rs.66.00 crore for 446 modernization proposals. The details of the funds released to the Ministries/Departments/ Offices during the last five years are given in the statement at Appendix.
Guidelines for Implementation of the modernization scheme - 2015
1 Introduction:
1.1 The Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances is implementing a Plan Scheme of Modernization of Government Offices from 1987-88. The Scheme emphasizes on integrated and comprehensive planning for modernization of office with a view to promote efficiency and effectiveness in government functioning. Such planning should anticipate future requirements of at least a decade, though the implementation may be carried out in phases.
1.2 Under the Scheme, Ministries/Departments are asked to draw integrated and comprehensive proposals for modernization and also prioritize identified offices/units under the same for funding and to forward the same to this Department in a prescribed proforma.
2 Aims and Objectives:
2.1 The Scheme aims at improvement of the work environment by adopting a holistic approach involving: & bull introduction of functional lay-out for office premises & bull creation of open offices to facilitate better supervision, redress of public grievances and better service to the public &bull creation of modern work stations with space for computers, LAN wires, printer cables, telephone, data ports etc. and also for paper work &bull efficient file management and & bull cost effective and space effective records management.
2.2 The Scheme is intended to serve as a model and needs to be supplemented with the efforts of Ministries/Departments themselves with regard to modernization.
3 Planning:
While planning modernization, the requirements of the entire Ministry/ Department may be kept in view and a master plan may accordingly be prepared. The planning needs to take into account anticipated requirements such as information and paper flow, movement of people, improvement in storage and retrieval of files, space for computers, LAN, Internet and Intercom wiring, etc. It also needs to provide for future up gradation of facilities.
4 Modalities:
The proposals received under the scheme are examined by a Screening Committee, which is chaired by the Additional Secretary, Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances and has members drawn from the NITI Ayog (erstwhile Planning Commission), National Informatics Centre, Integrated Finance Division of the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions and Ministry of Urban Development. Director/DS (O&M), Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances would be the Member Secretary of the Committee.
5 Basic Guidelines:
5.1 The Scheme is confined to the Government of India. Proposals meant for the main Ministries/Departments, attached offices and statutory bodies located in Delhi will alone be considered under the scheme. Proposals for field offices, subordinate offices, branch offices outside Delhi, new offices, training institutes, public sector undertakings, registered societies, autonomous bodies, etc. fall outside the purview of this Scheme.
5.2 Proposals covering units having a public interface will be given preference over other units in the Ministries/Departments.
5.3 Proposals received from Ministries/Departments, which have not earlier availed of the Scheme are given priority.
5.4 Proposals need to fulfill conditions as mentioned in the aims and objectives of the Scheme. At least 25 percent of the estimated cost of the proposal needs to be provided by the concerned Ministry/Department.
5.5 Proposal should not cover computer and computer related devices unless they form a part of the composite proposal for total modernization of record maintenance and computer hardware forms only a part of the total proposal. As far as possible the Ministry/Department may try to fund this part of the proposal under the scheme of guidelines issued by the erstwhile Planning Commission vide D.O. letter No. H-11016/32/97-PC dated April 24, 1998 from Principal Adviser addressed to Secretaries of all Central Ministries/Departments, which recommends 2 to 3 percent of fund to be spent for the purpose of IT promotion. In case, however, such proposals relating to computer hardware are included, they should provide details about the Plan funds as well as the amount set aside for IT promotion duly confirmed by the Financial Adviser along with the comments of the National Informatics Centre.
5.6 All materials to be used towards Modernization should be simple and functional as well as cost effective.
5.7 The proposal should be prepared in accordance with General Finance Rules, 2005. (The electrical and civil work envisaged in the proposal under this Scheme are to be treated as Original work as defined in the Rule 123 of General Finance Rules, 2005).
5.8 Depending on the estimated cost of such work, Rule 126 and Rule 132 of the General Finance Rule, 2005 should be strictly followed.
5.9 Procurement of furniture and other equipments, if included in the proposal, would be governed by the instructions relating to the purchase of stores as contained in Chapter-6 (Procurement of Goods and Services) of General Finance Rule, 2005.
5.10 The proposal should not involve any alteration in the basic structure of the building. Any addition to the electric loads should be done in consultation with the concerned authorities.
5.11 Proposals should contain approval of the Financial Adviser of the Ministry/Department concerned.
5.12 While preparing the proposal care should be taken to ensure that in the layout plan Branch Officers like Under Secretary/Senior Analyst /Deputy Director and personnel in the section are located in proximity for purposes of better office coordination and supervision.
6 Guidelines for Proposals for Furniture etc. Based on Layout Plan:
6.1 Proposals for items of furniture should be commensurate with the entitlements of space prescribed by the Government for different levels of officials and should be supported by a statement showing number of officials to be accommodated along with their designations etc.
6.2 Proposal should clearly specify the number of each item of furniture, their present availability and cost per unit, supported by quotations as per provisions of GFR, 2005. The mode of acquisition of furniture will be left open to the Ministries/Departments after following codal formalities.
6.3 The furniture to be procured should not be wood based. Instead environment-friendly and fire-resistant material may be used.
6.4 The Ministries/Departments, in consultation with the executing agency will ensure that good quality material as standardized and ISI marked fittings are used in both civil and electrical works.
7 Guidelines for Proposals Relating to Demands for Equipment:
7.1 Proposals relating to demand for equipment should be part of the composite proposal and the component should not exceed 25 percent of the amount of the proposal. The purchase of such equipments should be made in accordance with the Chapter 6 (Procurement of Goods and Services) of the General Financial Rules, 2005.
7.2 Proposal will not contain demands for items like VCR, Video Camera, TV sets, VCD, electronic typewriters, telephone lines, etc.
7.3 The proposals relating to demand for equipment will be supported with cost-benefit statements, speed and efficiency gains, workload being handled per year, their present availability and use in the Ministry/Department, and quotations received from the executing agency concerned. In this connection the proposals for &ndash
a) Fax machine will be considered only if the Department has to deal with a number of field/regional offices. The proposal may be justified on the basis of the availability of STD facilities and existing FAX facilities
b) Risograph, copy printer and collator will be considered, only if the Department engages in large-scale work of duplication on a regular basis
c) EPABX will be considered, only if, some direct telephone lines are surrendered by the Department
d) Photocopiers will be considered, only if the existing number is less than the number of officers of the level of Joint Secretary and above in the Department
e) Paper shredders will be considered, only if the Department has to deal with substantial number of confidential/secret papers to be destroyed
f) Overhead projector, slide projector, video projection system etc., will be considered, only if presentations are required to be made on a regular basis in the Department, and if they have not already been procured.
g) Air Conditioners, Civil Works for sanitation including toilets, Cafeteria/pantry etc. This should meet the rates and standards fixed by the CPWD in association with the Department in the year 2012.
8 Implementation:
8.1 The Ministries/Departments should ensure as far as practicable uniformity in the physical parameters, as detailed below, of the projects executed under the scheme of Modernization:-
- Partition height
- Storage space
- Design of Filing-cupboard
- Design of Desks/Tables
- Design of the Chair
- Lighting (CFL)
- Movement Space
- Ventilation
A list of Check Points for civil work and furniture work is required to be fixed by CPWD. In order to maintain uniformity of works being executed under the modernization scheme, the Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances in September-2012, in consultation with the CPWD, had fixed standards and rates of all the material to be acquired/works to be executed under modernization scheme.
8.2 The Ministries/Departments should monitor the execution of the projects to ensure that there is no gap between design and actual execution. In addition to the utilization certificates being furnished by the executing agency or the user Ministries/ Departments, a work completion certificates would also be furnished certifying that the work has been carried out in accordance with the plan & design approved.
9 Post Execution:
9.1 The Ministries/Departments will sensitize the users to handle the new facilities with care. The implementation of the modernization plan should immediately be followed by rearrangements of files, putting in place a proper information flow system, computerization and setting up of LAN etc. so as to ensure maximum benefits.
9.2 Ministries/Departments should ensure proper upkeep and maintenance of their modernized offices. The expenditure should be met out of the Non-Plan budgetary allocations.
9.3 Ministries/Departments may consider obtaining ISO Certificates for their modernized units. This would ensure proper maintenance of the modernized units and standardization of good practices in the user Ministries/Departments.
10 Other Guidelines:
10.1 Ten copies of every proposal are to be sent in prescribed proforma, duly filled-in, along with a note showing Financial Advisors approval, a copy of existing as well as revised lay-out plan indicating the agency which prepared the plan and copy of the quotations received as per provision of GFR, 2005 for the items to be procured. The proposal should also be accompanied by the revised seating plan and a brief write up on how the upgraded facilities would benefit the users. (Sl. No.5.2 of the proforma refers).
10.2 Funds would be released in a phased manner, year wise, depending on the progress of implementation. The funds allotted under the Scheme will have to be utilized during the currency of the financial year of allotment. A certificate of utilization of funds will have to be sent to the Department of AR&PG (O&M Division) as per rules along with project execution report and benefits of modernization being derived by the Ministries/Departments.
10.3 The Ministry/Department undergoing modernization will send photographs of pre and post modernized office units to the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances.
10.4 The Ministries/Departments will submit a Status Report within one month of completion of project.