Publication of Book

Publication of Books: - This Division is engaged in organizing lecture series / presentations etc. of best practices across the country. These lectures / presentations are immensely useful for the administrators and the dissemination of success stories would facilitate replication of the same elsewhere also. As such, publication of books containing a compilation of these lectures / presentations would also go a long way in facilitating dissemination and eventual replication. The Division has published a series of books on the subject. These are - Ideas that have Worked, Learn from Them, Splendour in the Grass, Roofless Towers, Management by Listening, BYOB – Bringing Your Own Bytes, In search of Light and People First. Hindi translation of ‘Ideas that have Worked’ and ‘Learn from Them’ have been already published as ‘Vichaar Jo Kamyab Huye’ and ‘Inse Sikhe’ respectively. One more book titled 'Some Gems and Some Pearls' has been published in the year 2012.

List of Books

Publication of Book
Title Description Download Link


Viksit Bharat-Empowering Citizens  & Reaching the Last Mile (Volume-II ) Innovations 

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Priority Programme

Viksit Bharat-Empowering Citizens  & Reaching the Last Mile (Volume-I)  Priority Programme

Download (19.52 MB) pdf e-Book

Priority Scheme Book

CSD-2022-Sining Horizons- Priority_Scheme Book

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Innovation book

CSD 2022-Cutting Edge Transformation- Innovation book

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2020-CTB - 3 - PM Priority Sectors

Download (25.02 KB) pdf e-Book

2020-Coffee Table Book -2 - Innovation

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2019-Coffee Table Book-1 - Harnessing Possibilities

Download (44.72 MB) pdf e-Book

2019-Breakout innovations -Coffee Table Book

Download (9.49 MB) pdf e-Book

Emulating Excellence - Takeaways for Replication

Download (12.91 MB) pdf e-Book

Aspirational Districts: Unlocking Potentials

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New Pathways

Download (20.66 MB) pdf e-Book

उत्कृष्टता का पुन: सृजन - Hindi version of the book - Recreating Excellence

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उत्कृष्टता का पुन: सृजन - Hindi version of the book - Recreating Excellence

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परिवर्तन के दूत - Hindi version of the book - The Change Makers

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Recreating Excellence Book

Government of India every year recognises the performance and accomplishments of civil servants - individuals and teams and the organizations they lead, that are truly excellent, exceptional and emulation-worthy. Inspired by the guidance of the Prime Minister, the Department of Administrative Reforms prepared an Action Plan for replication of 14 Awarded Initiatives in 23 States and one Union Territory. This book is an attempt to bring the significant details of seven of the most relevant and contemporary Awarded Initiatives and the efforts of select States in replicating them. It is envisaged that it would bring wider acceptance and stronger traction to the replication efforts, inspiring adoption by more states and union territories in the days to come.

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The Change Makers

This booklet presents success stories narrated with pride and delight by the beneficiaries of the four priority schemes of Government of India, namely Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna, Swachh Bharat (Gramin), Swachh Vidyalaya and Soil Health Card Scheme. They bring out how the Programmes made a positive difference to their livelihoods. How they as champions helped in turn in their own modest way, change for the better in the lives of their neighbours, acquaintances and friends.

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‘Thinking Out of the Box’ is a compilation of fourteen articles which stand testimony to the endurance of the champions to display excellence in administration, innovate within the broad framework of Government functioning and assume leadership to manage change. With the authenticity of being written by the champions of these initiatives, each of the articles reveals the process of conception, designing and implementation of governance initiatives.

Ranging from mobilisation of community in Tripura to achieving health and nutrition to improving the habitat for urban poor in Surat, Gujarat; from Socio-economic empowerment of rural poor through sustainable community institutions in Bihar to liberating manual scavengers in Uttar Pradesh; from participatory scientific watershed management in Gujarat to home based palliative care in Kerala.

The common string that runs through all these articles is the zeal of the champions to do something beyond the call of duty to improve public service delivery and to achieve something which was perceived to be difficult, if not impossible. These case studies are believed to stimulate others to adopt, replicate and further innovate in their own sphere of activity.

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The quest for meeting challenges for satisfying peoples’ needs has often led to innovation in governance. Some Gems Some Pearls showcases some successful innovations by civil servants which have had indelible and positive impact on the life of the common man. The initiatives undertaken by the champions describe how these were conceived, planned and implemented involving all stakeholders, including citizens, in the complex field of public administration. Based on authentic experiences, closely reasoned, meticulously written, and profusely documented, this book will be a source of inspiration to others for walking the path of innovation in public service delivery.

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This comprehensive collection of nine initiatives showcases innovation in India that received the Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration for the year 2008-09. Documentation has been planned with methodological rigour and has the authenticity of coming straight from the initiators. The book is an excellent source for comprehending the dynamics of innovations and management of change. The book has been published by M/s Unicorn Books Pvt. Ltd. on behalf of this Department and is available with the leading book stores.

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In Search of Light is an attempt to showcase the initiatives by the motivated and enthusiastic officers from across the country. It includes a varied spectrum from education to advances in IT onto social Upliftment namely, Financial Sustainability of Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation, Karnataka; Activity Based Learning (ABL) Methodology for Primary Education, Tamil Nadu; Safe Motherhood and Child Survival Programme, Gujarat; SCORE : e-registration in Bihar; Improved Health and sanitation Practices: District –Surguja, Chhatisgarh; Evacuation of Indian Nationals – Beirut Experience; MCA21 e-Governance Project; Computerisation of Personnel Information Systems (CPIS) and Implementation of Risk Management System in the Directorate of Customs. The book has been published by M/s Unicorn Books Pvt. Ltd. on behalf of this Department and is available with the leading book stores.

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