Page 14 - GGI_FINAL_18.12.2019
P. 14

While identifying the governance sectors, a zero-based approach is adopted and guidance
from existing frameworks is taken. Schedule VII (List II and III) of Indian Constitution (Article
246) has been considered and Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs) of United Nations are
also referred. Rigorous consultations at different levels are carried out at different stages for
finalising the GGI Framework. A National Consultative Meeting to present CGG’s approach
and methodology for design and development of GGI and to seek inputs for refinement
in the same was organised. It followed three rounds of consultations with 25 Ministries of
Government of India. The outputs of consultative meetings along with draft list of sector
and indicators were discussed with GoS on Governance for their inputs. As an end-user of
Index, State Governments were consulted for their feedback / comments / suggestions on
draft list of indicators through regional-level conferences. As a last stage of consultation
process, the draft report on GGI was made available for all at the website of DARPG seeking
inputs / suggestions. It received inputs / comments from 17 Ministries / Departments, three
State Governments and one Union Territory (UT). All the inputs/comments were valuated
and considered for finalisation of GGI Framework.

After due process, ten sectors and 50 indicators have been identified. Each sector carries
equal weightage and is constructed using indicators carrying different weightages. The
assignment of weightages has been done by studying existing indices in combination with
priorities arrived at during various consultations. GGI Framework includes the following
sectors and associated indicators:

                              Sectors and Indicators of Good Governance Index

Sl. No. Sectors        Sl. No.  Indicator

1 Agriculture and      1 Growth of Agriculture and Allied Sector
        Allied Sector  2 Food Grains Production
                       3 Horticulture Produce
2 Commerce and         4 Milk Production
        Industries     5 Meat Production
                       6 Crop Insurance

                       1 Ease of Doing Business
                       2 Growth of Industries
                       3 Growth in MSME Establishments
   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19