Page 10 - MGMG JAN to JUNE-2018 FINAL
P. 10

INAM-Pro+ -Platform for Infrastructure and Material Providers,
Government of India

Origin of INAM-Pro+

Information Technology has provided new opportunities in delivering governance as electronic
transmission and processing of Data ensures utmost veracity and expeditiousness. The recognition and
acceptance of this fact by Government of India in recent years has shown exponential growth in
efficiency to manage day to day governance. In Infrastructure industry, where our country is spending a
huge proportion of budget, various initiatives have been taken up to enhance efficiency and quicker
delivery of services to avoid time and cost overruns. In Highways sector alone, more than Rs.7 lakh
crore have been earmarked for development in next 5 years by the Government of India alone.

Since these projects would be executed on ground by Private Construction agencies by procuring
material/equipment/services from market, it was felt expedient to ease procurement there of as easy as
possible and for the purpose, bring the power of Information Technology as has been done in respect of
e-Commerce in many other sectors. As such a need was felt to evolve a comprehensive mechanism for
market price discovery and its stabilization for essentials resources like Materials, Equipment and
Services to ensure competitiveness and reflect uniformity/consistency across varying geographical
regions by having a real time information platform where resources’ location, availability and prices can
be obtained for fast decision making by Government and Infrastructure developers almost on a similar
manner as e-NAM does.

In this perspective, INAM-Pro+, a platform for Infrastructure and Materials suppliers have been
developed by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. It is an ‘All under One’ Store for
procurement/listing of essential Construction and Infrastructure Materials, Machinery and Services in a
pronto fashion.

Situation before the Initiative

Major Infrastructure Projects get delayed on account of lack of useful and timely information about
availability of construction materials, very high escalation/ fluctuation in prices and artificial stock
shortages of basic materials like Cement, Steel etc.

In the last decade, Cement Industry, the backbone for Infrastructure development was affected by
cartelization in spite of having surplus production capacity. In addition, the information about
appropriate market price of upcoming new technologies was not available which led to continuation of
age old techniques for decades, resulting into cost/time overruns. The evolution of INAM-Pro+ has
turned out as game changing effort for disclosing price and availability of Materials and Equipment

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