Page 13 - MGMG Jan-June 2020 Final
P. 13

Services to Stakeholders


Digitized service books have increased accuracy and transparency in employees’ service books data.
Employees can access their data any time and request for an update, if required. Unnecessary delays in
application approval and disbursal of due benefits have also reduced. All the HR related services can be
accessed via the same platform, and the pending application requests can also be tracked. The advent of
e-HRMS has made the HR activities for government employees seamless and hassle- free, which may
result in an increase in overall employee satisfaction.

 Administration Employees
The application has a separate role-based access for administration/ establishment employees in an
organization. It has led to a drastic reduction in the amount of time and effort that was required by
admin to perform their day-to-day activities. The application has simplified processes such as service
book entry/ updating, organization management (section, division, post etc.), employee management
(posting, transfer, change in reporting/ controlling officer, change in work status etc.) and vigilance.
Each activity has witnessed an extreme improvement in efficiency with respect to time and effort,
thereby reducing work load on administration offices.

 Mid-level Management

Apart from services offered to employees, the mid-level management employees can view data related
to their subordinates. The subordinate reports help approvers take informed decisions while approving/
rejecting employees’ application requests. It also helps the mid-level management employees gauge the
availability of their subordinates and plan accordingly.

 Top-level Management

The application stores employee service data in a structured form and facilitates automatic updating of
service books. The structured data storage allows the application to analyse service data and illustrate
them in the e-HRMS dashboard. The top-level management may make use of the interactive and
comprehensive data visualizations in the dashboard as a decision support system. The dashboards are
crucial to provide data-driven decision-making for issues like hiring, training, financial planning,
training requirement etc., in government organizations.

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